Houston Recruiters
What is your headshot saying about you?
Creating a personal marketing toolkit can be essential when seeking a career change. A professional business headshot can give you a competitive edge up on the competition. Hiring professionals and company recruiters are seeking like-minded polished professionals. Is your headshot current and up to date? If it is more than 2 years old, it is time to refresh and update your business headshot. Times have changed and so have industry markets; be prepared and proactive. Self image is self -branding, so put you best face forward online and in face to face meetings.
Here are some helpful tips for your headshot:
1. Hire a professional photographer who specializes in photographing business professionals. Different lighting techniques can add or subtract weight to a subject. Proper posing is also key.
2. Business portrait highlights: Proper attire, proper posing, proper expression for your industry are also paramount for your business headshot.
3. Retouching is available in today’s digital age. Common retouching typically includes removal of facial shine, minor stray hair removal, soften facial lines and blemish imperfections.
4. Know your digital file requirements. Saving your files in the correct file format and size can save you time and frustration while uploading files online.
5. Research and identify your individual photography style as not all headshots are created the same.
Michael Carr Photography is a Houston based commercial portrait studio specializing in professional business portraits. If you are serious about your Branding, we welcome you to visit our portfolio gallery at www.MichaelCarr.photography. Call 713-461-2862 to schedule your corporate headshot session today.